Historic Courthouse - 8-4 Mon-Fri - 417-466-2662
Office of the Public Administrator
Teresa Pace - Justice Center - 8-4 Mon-Fri - 417-466-2273

From the Missouri Association of Public Administrators:
Public Administrators serve as court-appointed Personal Representatives in decedents' estates, and as guardians and/or conservators for individuals who are unable to care for themselves or their property when there is no one else to serve.
Guardianship and Conservatorship is a legal process used when a person can no longer make safe and/or sound decisions about his or her person and/or property and may fall victim to fraud or improper influence.
Petitioning for Guardianship will remove individual rights, and it should only be considered after other alternatives to guardianship have been explored and proven to be ineffective.
A Guardian is a person appointed by a court to manage the affairs of another, called a ward. The Conservator is appointed by a court to manage the estate of another, called a protectee. Often the same person serves as both the guardian and conservator.

240 N. Main St., Suite 120
Mt. Vernon, MO 65712
417-466-2273 (fax 417-461-1108)